Research Help
Research Help
Need help getting started on your Research Assignment? Check out these resources for encouragement and direction.
- Owl at Purdue Research Papers
- Visuwords - Great website for coming up with the right words for your search.
- MLA Style Center
Here is information on how to use our catalog to help you with finding research in our collection:
Library Databases
Below are links to and descriptions of learning tools you may use for research and other projects.
**To find our school's usernames and passwords for these resources, make sure you are logged into your district Google account, then click here.
Our largest reference source with nearly 300 reference ebooks on all subjects. Search within the entire collection or within an individual ebook. Includes some primary source and government documents, as well as in-depth reference information. | |
Comprehensive US History resource that includes primary source documents and multimedia files. | |
A resource that includes primary source documents and multimedia files. | |
A vast collection of primary and secondary sources for the study of history | |
Delivers a range of perspectives on important issues, including those of scholars. Also includes full-text articles, daily-updated national and global news, video, audio streams and podcasts, images, and interactive maps. | |
A comprehensive reference database covering all scientific disciplines. | |
Contains science videos, animations, images, and interactive graphics. |
Online encyclopedia: Covers a broad range of topics at different reading levels and has tools like Listen and Translate to help you understand |
A huge collection of magazines, newspapers, and other reference materials |
Information on LOTS of subjects, including arts, health, sports, technology, and school subjects. Also includes animal facts, country facts, current events, nonfiction book collection, pro/con for leading issues, and science project ideas! |
Cultural and geographic information on states and countries |
Audio and video materials | |
Information and media related to books, poems, and authors | |
A large, free collection of music and sounds for student projects like podcasts and videos |
The public library is an extremely valuable and FREE resource for our community. Visit the library to get a free library card and check out books, audiobooks, videos, and other materials in print or digitally. The library also has many online databases for children, youth, and adults, and they offer free homework help! |
MLA Citation Help
MLA Citation Help!
Edmonds School District teaches student how to use MLA citations when they need to cite their information. MLA stands for the Modern Language Association and it is a guide that helps you with writing papers and citing work. This year there was some changes to the format with the release of MLA 9th Edition. Make sure that you check with your teachers about expectations for citations.
Helpful Resources
Modern Language Association
Owl at Purdue
Noodle Tools- Edmonds School District Pays for student access to Noodletools. Just sign in with your student account.
How to use Noodletools:
Need to know how to format your Works Cited?
Subject Websites
Here is a list of recommended websites by Subject Area
Art & Images
Things They Carried
Drug Abuse Health Plan Vitamins & Minerals
Body Systems: Teacher materials Substance Abuse: Teacher materials
Antibiotic Resistance Astronomy
Social Studies
Career CBA
Constitution CBA
French Revolution
Imperialism – China Imperialism – Africa
Industrial Revolution – Britain Japanese American Internment
Roaring Twenties
Russian Revolution
Spanish American War
U.S. Presidents
WA History
World War I
World War II