Participation Requirements - Activities
Mountlake Terrace High School Activities & Athletics are open to all students enrolled here. Some sports however do have cuts because of limited space but most do not. We ascertain that being involved in Activities and Athletics helps students stay in school, improve academically, and develop skills needed to be an important part of society.
There are certain requirements to fulfill before anyone can try out for a sport or participate in activities and athletics here at MTHS. They are listed below:
For Activities:
- Purchase an ASB card for $50 - subject to change
- Turn in a signed Activities Contract. This contract must be signed by the participant and a parent or legal guardian.
- Register for, attend, and pass a minimum of five classes. (Classes should equal at least 2.5 semester credits or the equivalent during the semester of participation). The most recent progress report or report card is used to determine academic eligibility. Upon entering the ninth grade, a student's initial academic eligibility will be determined by their record for the previous semester/trimester.
- Also, you cannot have any unpaid fines.
For Athletics:
- Purchase an ASB card for $50 - subject to change.
- Pay the $100 sports participation fee by the first Tuesday following tryouts, or when doing paperwork for all non-cut sports.
- Turn in a signed Activities Contract. This contract must be signed by the participant and a parent or legal guardian.
- Have a current physical stating that you are cleared for athletic participation. These Physical Forms are available, along with the Parent Permission Forms and Clearance Card, outside the ASB office at all times.
- Register for, attend, and pass a minimum of five classes. (Classes should equal at least 2.5 semester credits or the equivalent during the season of competition). The most recent progress report or report card is used to determine academic eligibility. Upon entering the ninth grade, a student's initial academic eligibility will be determined by their record for the previous semester/trimester.
- Also, you cannot have any unpaid fines.
If at any time, you have questions concerning Activities and Athletics please contact:
Activities Director - Jonathan Schaeffer (425) 431-5033
Activities/Athletic Secretary - Stephanie Collins (425) 431-5694