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Updated April 2019

Mountlake Terrace High School

Associated Student Body Constitution


∙ Preamble ∙

We, the students of Mountlake Terrace High School, in order to promote a safe and enjoyable learning atmosphere, to foster a strong relationship between school and the community, and to initiate action to the general advantage of the student body, do adopt this Constitution.


Article I ∙ Name ∙

Section 1.    This organization shall be known as the Associated Student Body of Mountlake Terrace High School.

Section 2.    The governing body of the Student Body of Mountlake Terrace High School shall be known as the Associated Student Body.

Section 3.  Related names or otherwise synonyms to Associated Student Body are ASB, Student         Council and/or Student Government. 


Article II ∙ Membership ∙

Section 1.    Student Body.  Any student enrolled in this school shall be a member of the Student Body.  For those who participate in ASB-funded activities, clubs, and organizations, the purchase of an ASB card is mandated.

Section 2.    Associated Student Body (ASB).  The Associated Student Body shall consist of ASB councils for each class, an interhigh council and cheer. Each of the class councils shall have up to 11 members including: a President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary and seven Representatives. 

Section 3. Executive ASB. The Executive ASB shall consist of six members including a President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, Public Relations Coordinator, and Historian.   

Section 4.  Executive Council. The Executive Council shall consist of the Executive ASB, each of the class presidents, the interhigh president, and a cheer captain. The Vice President or another alternate shall attend Executive Council meetings in the event of absence of the president/captain. 


Article III ∙ Function ∙

Section 1.    ASB and Executive ASB. ASB and the Executive ASB shall be the governing organization of the Student Body of Mountlake Terrace High School. The purpose of these groups is to promote a positive and unified school climate, to help accommodate to the needs of the students, to manage school resources, to enrich the community and to be accessible to the student body. ASB’s decisions shall be an expression of student opinion on matters concerning the Student Body, and ASB shall accordingly develop policies, standards, and rules pertaining to the school, its welfare, and its budget.

Section 2.  The Executive Council shall be called in times of emergency or if the Executive ASB  

shall come to a deadlock. Also, be called to hear monetary requests from sports, clubs, administration, etc. that were not submitted the previous year.


Article IV ∙ Executive ASB Officers ∙

Section 1.    Executive ASB officer titles.  

  1. The Executive ASB shall include a President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, Public Relations Coordinator and Historian. 

Section 2.    Duties

A.    The President shall:

    1.    Facilitate and prepare an agenda for both Executive ASB and ASB meetings.

    2.  Serve as the line of communication between the ASB advisor and the Executive ASB.

    3. Prepare and distribute minutes of all Executive ASB meetings and their agendas

B.    The Vice President shall:

    1.  Assist the President

    2.  Substitute for the President in case of absence or ineligibility

    3. Supervise class and all ASB elections and decide as to the validity of petitions for candidacy

    4. Other duties as delegated by the group

C.    The Treasurer shall:

    1.    Keep an accurate account of the income and expenditures of ASB by working closely with the adult ASB Bookkeeper.

    2.  Present a report to ASB at every meeting, having copies of said report available on request

    3. Ensure ASB is within all laws regarding monetary funds to the best of their abilities

    4. Be prepared for an audit from the State Auditor office

    5. Ensure that class ASB treasurers keep an accurate account of all their financial documents such as fundraisers and reconciliation forms conducted throughout the school year

    6.     Other duties delegated by the group.

D.    The Secretary shall:

    1. Keep an accurate account of the proceedings of ASB meetings 

    2. Be in charge of all ASB documents

    3. Serve as corresponding secretary

    4.  Keep meeting attendance records

    5.  Other duties as delegated by the group

E.    The Public Relations Coordinator shall:

    1.    Be responsible for advertising all ASB related activities

    2.   Be responsible for writing press releases and distributing them to the local media

    3.   Be the liaison between the ASB and the school media

    4.     Be responsible for managing all forms of social media for ASB

    5.   Be responsible for attending monthly PTSA meetings 

    6.     Be responsible for putting events on the school calendar and sending mass emails to the school

    7.   Other duties as delegated by the group

F.    The Historian shall:

    1.     Be responsible obtaining all minutes from class councils meetings

    2.   Be responsible for obtaining all class and Interhigh meeting minutes

    3.    Maintain a detailed binder of all school events, which consists of visuals and a summary of the event stored in the library

    4.   Take inventory of the storage room once every two weeks 

    5.    Be knowledgeable about the technology needed to run assemblies and events in the school

    6.    Order supplies in the storage room when necessary

    7.   Other duties as delegated the group

Section 3.    Officer Elections and Term of Office

    A.    All Associated Student Body officers shall hold office for a full school year following a training period.  The training period will begin immediately after ASB elections held in the month of February.  Executive ASB Officers will remain in office until April 1st of the following year.

    B.  All ASB officers shall be required to enroll in a Leadership class of the following school year, if they have not taken the class in previous years.


Section 4.    If it is disclosed after the election, that an ASB officer violated campaign restrictions, a special re-election will be called for that office.

Section 5.    Filling of Vacancies.  In case the office of ASB President becomes vacant, the Vice President of ASB shall take over the duties of President.  In case of any other vacancy before the start of school, the person who received the second highest number of votes in the original election shall take over the position of that office.  If the vacancy occurs during the new school year or if no one ran for a position, ASB Officers will ask for applicants and recommend two candidates to ASB. ASB will vote on the two candidates presented. 


Article V ∙ Meetings ∙

Section 1.    ASB meetings shall take place on days when meetings have been deemed necessary by the President and ASB Advisor.  There shall be at least one meeting per month.


Article VI ∙ Committees ∙

Section 1.    Special Committees

    A.    Budget Committee.  A committee consisting of Executive ASB and the Activities Coordinator.  ASB will vote to approve the proposed budget.

  1. The ASB President has the power to appoint special committees when they feel they are necessary.  The chairperson will be an ASB representative.  Membership will be drawn from the Associated Student Body.  An ASB Officer will be a member of all ASB committees.


Article VII ∙ Club Charters ∙

Section 1.    Any club desiring a charter must submit its application to ASB for approval.  All clubs must act in accordance with the rules and regulations of the Associated Student Body.  Clubs must submit charters to be officially recognized and to obtain ASB funds.


Article VIII ∙ Advisor ∙

Section 1.    A person appointed by the Principal shall be the Advisor for the Associated Student Body.  The Advisor does not have the power to vote.


Article IX ∙ Quorum ∙

Section 1.    A quorum shall consist of a majority (50% + 1) of the voting members of  ASB.


Article X ∙ Parliamentary Authority ∙

Section 1.    In all matters not specifically expressed in this Constitution, the parliamentary authority shall be Robert’s Rules of Order, Revised.

Section 2.    The President shall conduct and must be knowledgeable in parliamentary procedure.


Article XI ∙ Amendments ∙

Section 1.    Constitutional Amendment

    A.    An amendment to the Constitution or By-Laws may be proposed either by a member of ASB or by petition signed by at least ten percent of the Associated Student Body.

    B.    The proposed amendment shall be read, discussed, and voted upon by ASB.  To become a part of the Constitution or By-Laws, an amendment must be passed by a three-quarters minimum vote of ASB.


Article XII ∙ Powers ∙

Section 1.    All powers of ASB are delegated to it by the school administration.


Article XIII ∙ Distribution ∙

Section 1.    The ASB Secretary should have the ASB Constitution and By-Laws readily available for distribution and reference during meetings. The Secretary should also ensure that the ASB Constitution and By-Laws are easily accessible and up to date, whether in person or online.




ARTICLE I ∙ Qualifications and Conditions of Office ∙

Section 1.    ASB Officers must have an ASB card.

Section 2.    A. Executive ASB President.  The ASB President must be a senior while in office.  They must have previously held office in the position of class officer, representative, or ASB Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Public Relations Coordinator or Interhigh Representative.  They must have a cumulative (total semester grades from ninth grade on) grade point average of 3.0 and no N.C. in the school year of the election to qualify for election.  The grade point for each grading period of his or her term shall not fall below 2.6.  If it does, they will automatically be placed on a probationary period for 15 school days to restore his or her grades to a 2.6.  If at the end of the probationary period the 2.6 is not achieved, they shall be removed from office.  They may only receive one N.C. while in office or they shall be removed from office. 

    B. All students holding a non-executive office must be enrolled in at least four classes at Mountlake Terrace High School from first through sixth period. A student running or holding an executive office must be enrolled in at least four classes at Mountlake Terrace High School from first through sixth period and must be available from periods first through sixth. 

    C. Any executive ASB member who fails to commit to events during first through sixth may be subject to removal. 

    D. All members in ASB must be available when needed after oschool. If problems arise with this requirement, the individual may be subject to removal. 

Section 3.    Executive ASB Vice President:  The qualifications for the ASB Vice President shall be the same as for the ASB President except for the requirement regarding grade level.

Section 4.    Executive ASB Secretary: The qualifications for ASB Secretary shall be same as for ASB President, except for the requirement regarding grade level and previously held offices.

Section 5.    Executive ASB Treasurer: The qualifications for ASB Treasurer shall be same as for ASB President, except for the requirement regarding grade level.

Section 6.    Executive ASB Public Relations Coordinator. The qualifications for ASB Public Relations Coordinator shall be same as for ASB President, except for the requirement regarding grade level and previously held offices.

Section 7. Executive ASB Historian: The qualifications for ASB Historian shall be same as for ASB President, except for the requirement regarding grade level and previously held offices.


Section 8.    Any ASB officer will be notified of possible removal from office if they have become a disciplinary problem or accumulates three unexcused absences to ASB meetings or planned events in one semester. After investigation, The Executive ASB may then enact a probationary period for as long as the Executive ASB deems necessary in which the student must improve behavior or attendance or be subject to removal. Removal shall be initiated by any member of the Executive Council and must be approved by a anonymous majority vote of the Executive Council with Executive ASB collectively pertaining to one vote. In the case that an Executive Council member is subject to removal, they may not vote. All those officers whose names come up before the Council for removal have the right to speak in their defense. Members of Cheer are not subject to removal by the Executive Council.


Section 9.    All ASB officers must take the leadership class for one semester.


ARTICLE II ∙ Nominations and Elections ∙

Section 1.    Date:  The elections of all ASB officers shall be decided by the Executive Vice President, but within the following school year of their election.

Section 2.    Petition:  If a student of Mountlake Terrace High School can meet the requirements stipulated in Article I of these By-Laws, they then must obtain the signatures of at least ten percent of the entire Associated Student Body on a petition to place their name on the ballot.

Section 3.  Limitations:  

    A.    A student can sign only one petition for a given office.  The petition must be filed with the ASB election official by the given date to have their name appear on the ballot.  The official date will be determined by the Executive ASB.

    B.    A student may hold up to two different council positions at the same time unless they are in Executive ASB or are not in the respective class.

Section 4.  Election:  ASB Officers shall be elected by an anonymous ballot and must receive a majority (50% +1) of the votes cast.  A run-off election will be held if no candidate receives a majority.  The two top vote getters will appear in the run-off.

Section 5.    Supervision: All elections and voter registration shall be supervised by The Executive ASB excluding those running. The Vice President serves as chairman of elections.

Section 6.    Appointment:  In the event that there are no candidates for a given office, the Executive Council shall nominate no more than two candidates to fill the position. ASB shall vote on the nominees and the majority vote will fill the vacancy.


ARTICLE III ∙ Campaign Regulations ∙

Section 1.  Regulations:

    A.    No student shall promote any written or printed campaign propaganda without the expressed approval of the Activities Advisor and it must bear the name of the originator or editor.

    B.    Only twenty posters may be used for any one candidate. The candidates must clean up after themselves within one school day after the election.

Section 2.  Enforcement:

    A.    Candidates failing to comply with these provisions shall be disqualified from the election in question, subject to a decision by Executive ASB.

    B.    If a student has been elected and it is later proved that they have violated these provisions, they are subject to removal from office.


ARTICLE IV ∙ Cheer ∙

Section 1.    All members of the MTHS Cheer squad are hereby and henceforth full and voting members of the MTHS ASB. First year cheerleaders will enroll in the MTHS leadership class and follow all rules and regulations associated with class officers and Interhigh members. Including the purchase of an ASB card before tryouts. Whereas Cheerleaders must also maintain a 2.5 or higher to tryout for cheer. 

Section 2.    Cheerleaders are allowed to hold a class office or an interhigh position. If they are in         two ASB positions, they are only permitted one vote in Associated Student Body.



Section 1.    Officers: The class officers shall consist of a President, a Vice President, a Secretary, and a Treasurer.  Each of the four classes, Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, and Senior, will have the above said officers as well as seven reps.

Section 2.    Duties:  It shall be the duty of the classes to organize class functions, to raise money for that class’s activities and to help promote the purpose of ASB as a whole.  The duties of the specific class officers shall be:

A.    The President shall:

    1.    Facilitate and prepare an agenda for class meetings.

    2.   Delegate duties among the rest of the group.

    3.  Attend ASB conferences and meetings and relay attained information to the rest of the group. 

    4.  Be responsible for communication between the Executive Council and the class group. 

           B.  The Vice President shall:

    1.    Assist the President.

    2.    Substitute for the President in case of absence or ineligibility.

    3.    Other duties as delegated by the President.

  C.  The Secretary shall:

    1.    Keep an accurate account of the proceedings of the class group’s meetings by keeping minutes.

    2.    Keep meeting attendance records.

    3.   Turn in minutes and attendance for each meeting to the Executive Historian.

    4.    Other duties as delegated by the President.

  D.  The Treasurer shall:

    1.    Keep an accurate account of the income and expenditures of the class by checking in with the adult ASB Bookkeeper.

    2.    Other duties delegated by the President.

            E.  The Representatives shall:

    1.    Perform duties as delegated by the President 

Section 3.    Qualifications.  Class Presidents must have a 2.5 cumulative grade point average and all other officers must have a 2.0 cumulative grade point average and no more than 2 N.C.'s.  All officers must be members of the classes they serve and have an ASB card and be enrolled in the leadership class first or second semester during their first year of office.

Section 4.    Elections.  Class elections for Seniors, Juniors and Sophomores shall be held in the spring following the ASB elections and shall be supervised by the Executive ASB Vice President. Freshmen officers will be elected as soon as possible in September.  Candidates for class office will nominate themselves through a petition signed by ten percent of the class.  A student may sign only one petition for a given office. Problems with this requirement will be resolved by the Executive ASB.


ARTICLE VI ∙ Awards ∙

Section 1.    Athletic Awards

All athletic awards shall be silver on scarlet, which are the official colors of Mountlake Terrace Senior High School.  The letter shall be a six inch chenille block “T.” A student cannot have more service stripes than the maximum number he has in any one sport.

    A.    Football.  Football awards are given on the following basis:

    1.    Must have played in one half of the quarters in Varsity games, or;

    2.    Must have completed four full seasons of football at MTHS, or;

    3.    Coach’s discretion.

    B.    Baseball/Softball.  A pitcher must pitch either a winning varsity game or the equivalent of three full games.  The catcher, infielders, and outfielders must play in one third of all total innings.  A letter may also be awarded on the recommendation of the coach.

    C.    Wrestling.  Lettering requirements are as follows:


    1.    Turn out and participate with the team for the entire season.

    2.    Earn a total of 35 points.

    3.    Place in Conference Tournament.

    4.    Coach’s discretion based on participation, effort, attitude, and sportsmanship.

    Junior Varsity:

    1.    Turn out for the entire season (through regionals).

    2.    Must win a J.V.  Tournament or wrestle in three Varsity matches.

    3.    Earn a total of 70 points.

        a.    Points earned in J.V. matches and Varsity matches only (third team matches count one-half).

        b.    Ten points for Honor Roll (semester).

        c.    Ten points for missing five or less turnouts.

    4.    Earn a spot on the Varsity squad as second varsity wrestler for Conference Tournament.

    5.    Seniors who have turned out for two years.

    6.    Coach’s discretion based on participation, effort, attitude, and sportsmanship.

    D.    Basketball.  To win a basketball letter, a player must play in at least one-third of all the total quarters of that season.  This is usually equivalent to 16 quarters.  A letter may also be awarded on the recommendation of the coach.

    E.    Track.

    1.    Earn a total of 15 points. 

2..  One point for entrance into a Varsity meet.

    3.. Varsity place points will be awarded as follows:

        Dual Meet    Tri-Meet    Over Three Schools

        1st Place    5    5    10

        2nd Place    3    3    8

        3rd Place    1    2    6

        4th Place        1    4

        5th Place            2

        6th Place            1

    4.    Relay points are not divided.

    5.    Perfect attendance at turnouts equals five points.

    6.    Perfect attendance with excused absences equals three points.

    7.    Academic points for third quarter:

    1 point    =    2.0 - 2.1    6 points    =    3.0 - 3.1

    2 points    =    2.2 - 2.3    7 points    =    3.2 - 3.3

    3 points    =    2.4 - 2.5    8 points    =    3.4 - 3.5

    4 points    =    2.6 - 2.7    9 points    =    3.6 - 3.7

    5 points    =    2.8 - 2.9    10 points    =    3.8 - 4.0

    8    Points will be posted weekly in locker rooms.

    9.    One letter point will be awarded for each meet (to be determined between athlete and coach).

                      10.   Ten letter points will be deducted for each unexcused absence.

    11.    Bonus letter points for attending Saturday practices.

    12.    Coach’s discretion.  A Varsity letter will not be awarded for insubordination.

    13.    Must attend banquet to receive Varsity letter.

    F.    Tennis.  To win a tennis letter, a player must win at least two varsity matches.  A letter may also be awarded on the recommendation of the coach.

    G.    Swimming.  A total of 50 points accrued in competition in the season.  These points may be earned in the following manner.

    1.    One point for entrance into a Varsity event.

    2.    Points received in Varsity, Dual or Triangular, District, N.W.  District, State Competition in a four or six lane pool.

    3.    Up to ten points may be awarded to a swimmer for (maximum ten points) dedication, inspiration, determination, leadership, mental toughness, non-lettering senior who has completed four years, season best time at Edmonds District Meet (final day), season best time as N.W.  District (final day), season best time as State Meet (both days).

    4.    Perfect attendance: ten points.

    5.    Perfect attendance with an excused absence: five points.

    6.    An excused absence may be granted by the head coach.  Consecutive days for sickness may be considered excused absences.  The coach must be notified as early as possible.

    7.    All swimmers are expected to help set up and take down pool equipment at home meets.  A total of ten points will be subtracted from a swimmer’s letter points for not helping at a home meet.

    8.    A swimmer’s season is considered concluded after they have attended the season’s final awards banquet.  Varsity and Junior Varsity award winners are expected to attend all awards programs.

    9.    A Varsity letter may be awarded by the coach’s discretion (without the required 50 letter points).  Letter points for scholastic ability will be awarded in the following manner.  It is our sincere belief that each athlete is not only an athlete but a student-athlete.

    Letter Points    Grade Point Average    Letter Points    Grade Point Average

    1    2.0 - 2.1    6    3.0 - 3.1

    2    2.2 - 2.3    7    3.2 - 3.3

    3    2.4 - 2.5    8    3.4 - 3.5

    4    2.6 - 2.7    9    3.6 - 3.7

    5    2.8 - 2.9    10    3.8 - 4.0

    H.    Cross Country.


    1.    Coach’s recommendation.

    2.    Involvement with team to the end of the season.

    3.    Earn 17 or more points.

    4.    Participate in 75 percent of all turnouts.

        a.    Ninety percent of all turnouts equals four points.

        b.    Run in meet (Varsity or JV) equals one point.

        c.    Top seven times in regular meet equals one point; within 30 seconds equals one-half point.

        d.    Top seven times in Edmonds District, Western Conference, and N.W.  Districts Championships equals two points; within 30 seconds equals one point.

        e.    Coach’s bonus for leadership, attitude, and team support equals one to three points.

    Junior Varsity: Coach’s recommendation, involvement with team to end of the season.

    I.    Chess.

    1.    Four matches in WESCO Varsity competition.

    2.    Four points at either of the state individual tournaments.

    3.    Top six boards always letter.

    J.    Choir.  A choir letter shall be awarded for four semesters in Dynamics or Chamber Choir.  One year of Chorus is the equivalent of one semester toward a letter.  The student is required to attend all performances and activities unless excused by the director, maintain a 3.3 grade point average in music classes, and work hard with a =positive attitude for the betterment of the choral department.

Section 2.  Activity Awards

    A.    Band.  A band letter shall be awarded for four semesters in any of the bands.  The student is required to attend all performances and activities unless excused by the director, maintain a 3.3 grade point average in music classes, and work hard with a positive attitude for the betterment of the instrumental music department.

    B.    Orchestra.  An orchestra letter shall be awarded for four semesters in Symphonic or String Orchestra.  The student is required to attend all performances and activities unless excused by the director, maintain a 3.3 grade point average in music classes, and work hard with a positive attitude for the betterment of the instrumental music department.


Amended, May, 1994

Amended, March, 1995

Amended, March 1996

Amended, May, 2000

Amended, May, 2010

Amended, September 2017

Amended, April 2019