Excused Absence
- To excuse an absence, a student's parent/guardian must notify school personnel within 48 hours following the student's return to school. To notify the attendance secretary:
- Call the attendance office at 425-431-7781; OR
- Write a note. The attendance secretary is available to receive notes between 7:00 am and 10:00 am daily. Notes will be kept in the student's file.
- Absences/tardies will be excused for the following reasons:
- Personal illness or injury—in case of an extended illness or injury, a doctor's confirmation may be required.
- Medical or dental appointments—families should make every effort to schedule appointments before or after school hours.
- Participation in activities related to recognized religious holidays.
- Reasons deemed appropriate by the principal or principal designee.
- SPECIAL NOTE: School sponsored activities are NOT considered an absence.
- Absences should be pre-arranged by written request when parents have advanced knowledge of impending absences. The necessary form can be obtained from the attendance office or online. (The criteria listed above will determine whether the absence/tardy will be excused.)
- Students (not school personnel) are expected to provide timely information in regard to absences for which an excused status is requested.
- Teachers will offer students with excused absences additional time (one day for each day a student is absent) to complete the work and/or alternative work to meet the learning goals. This does not excuse the student from doing the work.
Unexcused Absence
- Students with unexcused absences do not have to be given the opportunities to make up work, nor be given extensions on assignment due dates. Consequences will therefore be directly reflected in the grades received on missed or late assignments. (To meet learning goals for the class, teachers may make accommodations based on what they believe is best for the student.)
For more information on the procedures and standards governing student attendance see the district website.